Ep. 6: When the Best Autism Therapy is Love - A Letter to Autism Parents

In today’s episode, we focus on supporting parents who are new or early in their child’s autism journey. In the Summer 2018 issue of Spectrum Life Magazine, Jasmyn Jones wrote a letter to parents called “When the Best Therapy is Love.". As an autistic mother, Jasmyn shared advice and wisdom that resonates with parents new in their autism journey and is also encouraging for other spectrum travelers. We’ll be reading the letter to you today and discussing key takeaways.
In today’s episode of the Autism Empowerment Podcast, we focus on supporting parents who are new or early in their child’s autism journey. In the Summer 2018 issue of Spectrum Life Magazine, Jasmyn Jones wrote a letter to parents called “When the Best Therapy is Love.” As an autistic mother, Jasmyn shared advice and wisdom that resonates with parents new in their autism journey and is also encouraging for other spectrum travelers. We’ll be reading the letter to you today and discussing key takeaways.
Today's hosts: Karen and John Krejcha
Article Referenced in Today's Episode
When the Best Therapy is Love by Jasmyn K. Jones - Spectrum Life Magazine, Summer 2018 (blog format)
Spectrum Life Magazine Summer 2018 issue (electronic issue)
Full Transcript. Click below on words to play.
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